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Sunday 18 September, 2011

Which school is the best?
Don't trust a ranking which you have not made on yourself, is a saying, which should perhaps indicate that rankings are not objective. But nonetheless it is a chance to get a first start into a judgment of a topic. If at the end it is matching with self made rankings it gives a little more confidence. But as mentioned before, it can be only one facet of a personal selection process.

An additional help to select the school?

This is the most important question for families with kids coming to Bangalore, all are ready to experience a new part of the world, also with some odd things, but with the education of the kids nobody want to play. And indeed that is correct and there are very good international schools in the City, but as every time in India the challenge is to find the right one. Price and quality are not every time in direct correlation, for others the new curriculum names are new and at the end there is no control body to check if the schools live up to their promises

Wednesday 11 May, 2011

Horseback riding

In Bangalore you have a wonderful chance to try out or fine tune horseback riding. It is affordable and a nice counter balance for the city stress. Especially the kids love it and have great fun and it is educational wise valuable too.
There are some places where you can do horseback ride, for instance at the palace ground, the Princes Horseback Adventure or the HorseRiding Stables  or a little outside the Embassy International Riding School