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Sunday 18 September, 2011

Which school is the best?
Don't trust a ranking which you have not made on yourself, is a saying, which should perhaps indicate that rankings are not objective. But nonetheless it is a chance to get a first start into a judgment of a topic. If at the end it is matching with self made rankings it gives a little more confidence. But as mentioned before, it can be only one facet of a personal selection process.

Find in a nice graphic a ranking published in the DNA news paper on the 14th of September 2011, which is the summary of on survey made through the thinkvidya.com community, actually an independent group of people, with the attention to make the school world of Bangalore more transparent. At the end we find the international schools, commonly used from the expat community, like the Stonehill, the Trio, the Canadian, the BIS, the TISB, the Indus, the Inventure, the Aditi, the Treamis and so on.

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