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Friday 11 February, 2011

Agents, the professionals with the bad reputation

orientation meeting with new comers

Everywhere in the world people with that profession fight against a bad reputation, in the sense that people think that the agent is actually standing in between the house owners and the interested tenants and on the other side asking for big money for doing nothing.

Unfortunately there are also agents in the market, without training and professional skills to provide a value adding service or who do not follow clear ethical values.

We are saying that in case you are not familiar with the business and thelocations it is advisable to use the service of an agent. Also if  you have less time. In both cases it can avoid making at the end expensive mistakes. Finding the right one is the challenge. Normally recommendations are a safe first approach based on the experience and the results others had with their agents. If you look over the internet to find the right one, check their marketing approach and their focal points, some are big but consider only foreign investors as their target group others are small and have not even some basic infrastructure. Here for you can check the domain, the web site, contact possibilities. Finally the personal feeling like sympathy, trust and common understanding after a first meeting or introduction is most important, because it is a quit personal thing to look for a new. Latest after the first tour you will see if deeds follow the words and how well the common time is organized and the object preselected.

If not satisfied a change of the agent is every time possible, but to have plenty agents running parallel is not advisable, because the market is small and at the end after a professional market research the agent have normally access to the same object.

Normally agents are working together in networks, like realtor hub or realtor associations to penetrate the market more. That means also that the agent working with you and being your first contact will work with other agents having the contacts to the landlord side. To avoid wasting your time you should note down already seen object before you go with another agent. And also as professional agents we work with each other under a clear and honest codex, that means, if you have seen already objects with one agent the new agent even if he has also the house in his portfolio will not interfere.

To summaries, the agent can be a helpful partner, the selection is crucial can start over references or over the internet, a little check of the reputation and the professionalism helps to find the once who make the relocation easier and pleasant, at the end professional agents know the market and thus have the same objects and if you find your new home with good support, make new friends fast and have a good coach in your agent to settle down, as we understand our business it is justified to have one month rent paid as fee.

And sometimes we work together with our clients for half a year and more to achieve smooth relocation and find your new home.

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